Drivers planning road trips over the Fourth of July weekend should stay alert and focus on safety. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and Department of Public Safety, along with other emergency agencies, encourage motorists to check their vehicles, pack their patience and avoid read more…
The article: Arizona DOT: No Highway Closures Scheduled over Fourth of July Weekend, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) reports that, as part of their I-10 from I-295 to I-95 widening project, detours are scheduled at interchanges within the project limits from through Thursday, June 22 while crews perform bridge construction operations, weather and unforeseen read more…
The article: I-10 Traffic Detours for Construction in Jacksonville This Week, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is advising motorists to plan ahead and expect delays as westbound Interstate 10 is closed between US 60 and State Route 143 from 10:00 p.m. Friday, June 9 to 4:00 a.m. Monday, June 12 for bridge work, overhead sign removal and a traffic shift. read more…
The article: Expect Detours, Delays With I-10 Closure in Arizona Beginning June 9, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide
A ride down I-10 in this neck of the woods is a little on the monotonous side. Why not break up an otherwise uneventful drive with a little diversion? Tucson would be a great option. It sits smack dab in the middle of the Sonoran Desert, and that means you’ll get to soak up some seriously awesome read more…
The article: 5 Really Cool Things to Do in Tucson, Arizona, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) reports the Weekend Freeway Travel Advisory (Phoenix area). Several freeway closures for improvement projects are scheduled in the Phoenix area this weekend (June 2-5).
Drivers should plan alternate routes if their travel is impacted by read more…
The article: Arizona DOT Weekend Freeway Travel Advisory (Phoenix Area), was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide
A busy 8-mile stretch of Interstate 10 in the West Valley has been widened to three lanes in both directions as an Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) freeway improvement project moves into the homestretch.
ADOT’s ongoing $82 million project has widened I-10 by one lane in both d read more…
The article: Arizona DOT Opens New I-10 Lanes in the West Valley, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide
As part of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) I-10 from I-295 to I-95 widening project, detours are scheduled at interchanges within the project limits from Tuesday, May 30 through Friday, Jun. 2 while crews perform bridge construction operations, weather and unforeseen circumstances read more…
The article: Major I-10 Traffic Detours Scheduled This Week in Jacksonville, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) continues operations on a pavement rehabilitation project from Desert Center (postmile marker 104.9) to west of Wiley’s Well Rest Area (postmile marker 134) on Interstate 10 (I-10). Weather permitting.
Wednesday, May 31 through F read more…
The article: Lane Closures for I-10 Pavement Rehab Project in California, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide
As the summer travel season approaches, the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) reminds drivers to prepare your vehicle for a safe and enjoyable journey heading into Memorial Day Weekend.
“Before embarking on your summer adventures, it’s crucial to prepare your vehicle for the upc read more…
The article: Mississippi DOT Urges Travelers to Prepare Your Vehicle for Summer Travel, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide
Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start to summer and, with that, higher traffic volumes on Alabama’s roadways. For the safety of the traveling public along with construction and maintenance workers, the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) announces no temporary lane closures w read more…
The article: Alabama DOT Suspends Lane Closures for Memorial Day Holiday Weekend, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide
Drivers should monitor weather forecasts, check their vehicles and pack an emergency travel kit if heading out on a Memorial Day weekend trip, according to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).
The good news for drivers is that ADOT and its contractors are not scheduling any full read more…
The article: No State Highway Closures in Arizona Over Memorial Day Weekend, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide
The Mississippi Department of Transportation reports that I-10 traffic will be stopped in 15-minute intervals in both locations while crews place power lines across I-10. Motorists should follow law enforcement instructions and may seek an alternate route during the closure period due to expected read more…
The article: Full I-10 Traffic Stops in Harrison County for Power Line Work May 21, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide