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New I-4 Exit to Daryl Carter Parkway in Orlando Set to Begin Construction

In Interstate 4, RoadNews
October 19, 2022

Improvements at Daryl Carter Parkway and Interstate 4 (I-4) are set to begin soon!

This project will add three new ramps connecting Interstate 4 (I‑4) to Daryl Carter Parkway: exit ramps from both directions of I‑4 to Daryl Carter Parkway and an entrance ramp to eastbound I‑4. It will also convert the existing Daryl Carter Parkway overpass to a diverging diamond interchange.

A westbound I‑4 entrance ramp will be built as part of a future project.

This project will include constru read more…

The article: New I-4 Exit to Daryl Carter Parkway in Orlando Set to Begin Construction, was originally published on The I-4 Exit Guide