Interstate 80, RoadNews
June 05, 2023
37 views 31 secs 0

Major I-80 Traffic Delays for Roadwork in Columbia County

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) report that motorists who travel on Interstate 80 westbound should be on alert for delays due to an embankment stabilization project in Hemlock Township, Columbia County.

Motorists can expect the right (driving) lane to be restricted near read more…

The article: Major I-80 Traffic Delays for Roadwork in Columbia County, was originally published on I-80 Exit Guide

Interstate 95, RoadNews
June 05, 2023
24 views 34 secs 0

Weekend Lane Closure on I-95 in Delaware, Expect Delays

The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces to motorists that the right lane of southbound I-95 just south of Marsh Road will be closed from 8:00 pm Friday, June 9th to 5:00 am Monday, June 12th. Crews will be repairing bridge deck potholes on the bridges over Shipley Road, the read more…

The article: Weekend Lane Closure on I-95 in Delaware, Expect Delays, was originally published on I-95 Exit Guide

Interstate 95, RoadNews
June 05, 2023
26 views 30 secs 0

Ramp Closures Will Detour I-95 Traffic in Cumberland County

The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) reports that I-95 traffic will encounter ramp closures associated with the widening of Interstate 95 around the Cumberland-Robeson county border.

The following ramps will be affected:

I-95 Northbound exit ramp onto U.S. 301/I-95 B read more…

The article: Ramp Closures Will Detour I-95 Traffic in Cumberland County, was originally published on I-95 Exit Guide

Interstate 4, RoadNews
June 05, 2023
25 views 47 secs 0

I-4 Lane, Ramp Closures, Detours for Construction This Week and Beyond

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) reports the following traffic impacts associated with I-4 construction projects in the Orlando Metro area, through Thursday, June 8, 2023. All work is weather dependent and subject to change.

I-4 East of Orlando

Intermittent nightly ramp closure on Eastbound I-4 from C.R. 46A.

Sunday, June 4 – Thursday, June 8. From 7:30 PM – 6:00 AM

Intermittent nightly ramp closure on Eastbound I-4 to Southbound S.R. 417 & S.R. 46.

Sunday, J read more…

The article: I-4 Lane, Ramp Closures, Detours for Construction This Week and Beyond, was originally published on The I-4 Exit Guide

Interstate 10, RoadNews
June 02, 2023
24 views 30 secs 0

Arizona DOT Weekend Freeway Travel Advisory (Phoenix Area)

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) reports the Weekend Freeway Travel Advisory (Phoenix area). Several freeway closures for improvement projects are scheduled in the Phoenix area this weekend (June 2-5).

Drivers should plan alternate routes if their travel is impacted by read more…

The article: Arizona DOT Weekend Freeway Travel Advisory (Phoenix Area), was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide

Interstate 10, RoadNews
June 01, 2023
26 views 34 secs 0

Arizona DOT Opens New I-10 Lanes in the West Valley

A busy 8-mile stretch of Interstate 10 in the West Valley has been widened to three lanes in both directions as an Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) freeway improvement project moves into the homestretch.

ADOT’s ongoing $82 million project has widened I-10 by one lane in both d read more…

The article: Arizona DOT Opens New I-10 Lanes in the West Valley, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide

Interstate 75, RoadNews
May 30, 2023
30 views 32 secs 0

I-75 Traffic Detours, Delays for Work in Cincinnati Metro This Week

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) reports the following I-75 Traffic advisories and restrictions in Hamilton County (Cincinnati metro area), through the week ending June 3, 2023. All work will be contingent upon the weather.

I-74/I-275 Resurfacing & Bridge Repairs – On I-74, read more…

The article: I-75 Traffic Detours, Delays for Work in Cincinnati Metro This Week, was originally published on I-75 Exit Guide

Interstate 95, RoadNews
May 30, 2023
28 views 34 secs 0

Overnight Detours, Delays Planned This Week at I-95 in St. Augustine

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) reports that as part of resurfacing improvements on I-95 from State Road 207 to International Golf Parkway, a closure of the State Road 16 on-ramp to I-95 north is necessary for drainage work to be completed.

The ramp will close nightly at 8:00 read more…

The article: Overnight Detours, Delays Planned This Week at I-95 in St. Augustine, was originally published on I-95 Exit Guide

Interstate 10, RoadNews
May 30, 2023
27 views 30 secs 0

Major I-10 Traffic Detours Scheduled This Week in Jacksonville

As part of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) I-10 from I-295 to I-95 widening project, detours are scheduled at interchanges within the project limits from Tuesday, May 30 through Friday, Jun. 2 while crews perform bridge construction operations, weather and unforeseen circumstances read more…

The article: Major I-10 Traffic Detours Scheduled This Week in Jacksonville, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide

Interstate 10, RoadNews
May 29, 2023
26 views 28 secs 0

Lane Closures for I-10 Pavement Rehab Project in California

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) continues operations on a pavement rehabilitation project from Desert Center (postmile marker 104.9) to west of Wiley’s Well Rest Area (postmile marker 134) on Interstate 10 (I-10). Weather permitting.

Wednesday, May 31 through F read more…

The article: Lane Closures for I-10 Pavement Rehab Project in California, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide

Interstate 80, RoadNews
May 29, 2023
22 views 34 secs 0

I-80 Traffic Delays Anticipated for Work Near Nevada/Utah State Line

I-80 traffic will be subject to lane reductions beginning June 5 near the Nevada/Utah state line as the Nevada Department of Transportation launches a two-year project to resurface and improve the interstate.

Five-mile sections of I-80 will be reduced to one lane in each direction 24/7 from read more…

The article: I-80 Traffic Delays Anticipated for Work Near Nevada/Utah State Line, was originally published on I-80 Exit Guide