I-10 Attractions
January 14, 2024
33 views 32 secs 0

Natural Bridge Caverns – San Antonio, TX

Deep beneath the surface of San Antonio lies a hidden marvel that has captivated the hearts and minds of adventurers for decades – the Natural Bridge Caverns. This subterranean wonder offers a unique journey into the depths of the Earth, revealing stunning formations and a rich geological h read more…

The article: Natural Bridge Caverns – San Antonio, TX, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide

I-10 Events, Interstate 10
November 18, 2021
34 views 4 mins 0

Christmas at the Caverns Returns to Natural Bridge Caverns

Natural Bridge Caverns announced the return of “Christmas at the Caverns” for the 8th year starting Saturday, December 4th and runs for 10 nights through December 23rd. Filled with carols in the caverns, a stunning walk thru light stroll, giant Christmas tree, and, of course, Spelunker Claus, this year’s event is shaping up to be […]