February 27, 2025
14 views 31 secs 0

Arizona DOT Introduces Truck Parking Availability System Near I-10 Rest Areas

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) reports their new Truck Parking Availability System (TPAS) along I-10 at the Ehrenberg, Bouse Wash, Texas Canyon and San Simon rest areas detects, monitors and provides real-time truck parking availability information to commercial truck drivers, read more…

The article: Arizona DOT Introduces Truck Parking Availability System Near I-10 Rest Areas, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide

February 02, 2024
31 views 31 secs 0

New Mexico DOT Unveils Truck Parking Availability System

The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) announces the completion of its $2.7 million truck parking initiative, unveiling the state’s first Truck Parking Availability System (TPAS).  This is groundbreaking technology and is a critical tool to enhance safety for truck drivers traveling t read more…

The article: New Mexico DOT Unveils Truck Parking Availability System, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide

December 15, 2023
35 views 32 secs 0

Wyoming DOT to Add 365 New Truck Parking Spaces on I-80 in Evanston

The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) has been awarded a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to build hundreds of new semitruck parking spaces in southwest Wyoming. 

WYDOT will receive more than $26.6 million through the 2023-2024 federal Rural Surface read more…

The article: Wyoming DOT to Add 365 New Truck Parking Spaces on I-80 in Evanston, was originally published on I-80 Exit Guide

December 04, 2023
25 views 31 secs 0

Arizona DOT Plans to Expand Commercial Truck Parking Along Interstates

To address the growing demand for commercial truck parking along state highways, the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) has developed a statewide truck parking plan that recommends expanding parking at existing rest areas and adding three new facilities.

After gathering feedback from read more…

The article: Arizona DOT Plans to Expand Commercial Truck Parking Along Interstates, was originally published on I-10 Exit Guide